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Transition into Summer

Lynne Pike

Updated: Feb 23

Seasonal changes can be tricky!

As we move into warmer weather, consider your transition into Summer.

But… how do you do that?

How do you transition from one season into another?

Utilize the wisdom of Ayurveda...

Ayurveda offers insights through food + lifestyle choices.

India’s ancient medical science, Ayurveda, is rooted in holistic wellness practices that target your whole being—your body, mind, soul, and senses.

Ayurveda recommends alleviating the heat of Summer (hot + sharp qualities which can lead to frustration, irritation, inflammation and acidity)—with cooling properties, feeling spacious, and balancing your digestive fire from within in order to refresh your system.

  • Choose foods + activities that help you achieve a calm + cooling effect

  • Cook with foods that are in season

  • Eat cooling melons solo for optimal digestion!

We evolve...

Just like Nature, we ebb and flow alongside the seasons.

You may notice that you are not the same person you were 5, 10, 20 years ago!

That is because you evolve over time. Your digestive patterns + state of mind continue to change as well. Ayurveda is a beacon that helps us navigate seasonal transitions and improve upon our patterns of digestion, sleep, and energy all our lives long.


Live alongside Nature — Reduce Stress — Restore Your Equilibrium

Warmly, Lynne Pike

India’s traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda is holistic in nature—uniting your mind, body, senses, and soul. Use the wisdom of Ayurveda to restore your health, reduce stress, and bring back balance, as you re-discover your own personal rhythms that lie within.


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